A Rainha Santa: A Mãe de Todas as Ondas
Acredito piamente que A Rainha Santa, Mãe de Todas as Ondas é uma entidade viva, e como entidade viva não se submete a servir qualquer interesse que não seja a sua Preservação. Todos os que Dela se aproximam com qualquer outra intenção serão pela mesma castigados da forma mais penosa e dolorosa possivel.
Em desenvolvimento
Soul x Comercial II
O Comercial gosta de praias carregadas de pessoas, de multidões dentro de àgua a exibirem-se e a lutarem por um lugar. Para o Comercial o importante são as marcas, os patrocínios, os fotógrafos, os campeonatos e os competidores. O Comercial tem uma visão puramente materialista e mercantilista do acto de surfar, onde tudo se vende e tudo se compra.
Resistência Soul Portuguesa

O modelo de desenvolvimento proposto acenta no pessuposto que correr Vagas de Mar é uma forma de expressão física e espiritual na qual o importante são as Ondas e a relação existente entre o Homem e a Natureza. Deste modo rejeita-se o modelo actual de cariz mercantilista, consumista, competivo e comercial que usa os desportos de ondas como forma de gerar lucro fácil, sem qualquer tipo de benefício para a comunidade nem para com o meio ambiente envolvente.
A acção da Resistência Soul Portuguesa pode ser posta em prática de forma individual ou colectiva, de um modo expresso ou não, usando para tal todas as técnica e métodos julgados úteis para o desenvolvimento e implementação de um novo paradigma.
Se és um Resistente une o teu esforço a outros que como tu acreditam na mudança!
Soul x Comercial I
A vertente Soul olha para o Mar como um lugar de encontro entre o Homem e a Natureza. O comercial olha para o Mar como um espaço de negócio onde os praticantes dos desportos radicais são vistos como consumidores.
40 Anos de Bodyboard...
Que caminho trilhou a prancha que na ideia de Tom Morey seria um brinquedo destinado a deleitar as massas veraneantes? A verdade é que foi com este triste intuito que o Bodyboard foi criado...
Parabéns a todos os meus amigos Corredores de Vagas que escolheram o Bodyboard como a sua actividade de eleição.
Alguém Disse IV...
Ideias Evolucionárias para Mentes Avançadas que se fazem ao Mar
Do outro estão as ideias evolucionárias para Mentes Avançadas que se fazem ao Mar numa perspectiva consciente...
Fica aqui o registo do texto referente ao mês de Junho
O Lado Negro da Força: O Ego, a Vaidade e a Ganância
A sabedoria xamânica antiga e a mais moderna Ciência confirmam a existencia da forma de energia aqui denominada por "Olho Místico".
O Olho Místico é uma forma de energia para muitos desconhecida. A energia do Olho Místico produzida no mais profundo dos tubos, aqui denominada por "A Força", transforma todos os que com esta contactam. A forma como cada um a absorve é variável e pode ser entendida positivamente ou tornar-se em algo negro. Aprender a lidar com esta energia é um desafio que todos os Corredores de Vagas têm de superar de modo a não sucumbirem ao lado negro e aos seus três principais maleficios: O Ego, a Vaidade e a Ganância
O Ego, segundo a sabedoria milenar budista é o maior inimigo do Ser Humano e da sua felicidade. Os que sucumbem à doença do Ego julgam-se o centro do mundo, julgam-se neste caso os "melhores do mundo", uns verdadeiros "deuses" entre comuns mortais que, julgam eles, os adoram e seguem loucamente devido às suas "façanhas e faculdades extraordinárias" a surfar. Estes doentes do Ego têm a perfeita convicção que são o motor dos desportos de ondas e que o que fazem dita os padrões actuais deste contexto. A sua doença bloqueia-lhes qualquer tipo de humildade, revestindo-os de uma falsidade que lhes permite afirmarem sobre eles próprios "que são as pessoas mais humildes do mundo". Ora a humildade não se aprego-a como uma auto-característica, sendo antes algo que é reconhecido em cada um de nós pelos outros. Os verdadeiramente humildes não procuram a todo o custo a bajulação alheia, mas antes afastam-se de todo e quaquer holofote que tentem apontar sobre si, fazendo o seu caminho sem procurar qualquer tipo de reconhecimento, ou seja, surfam para si por puro amor ás Ondas e ao Mar. Muitas vezes o Ego coloca os que a ele sucumbem num patamar ilusório, levando os mesmos a pensarem que são bem mais importantes e preciosos, do que na realidade são dizendo-lhes "Tu és o Maior", "Tu és o Melhor" , "Ninguém se Compara a TI", Ninguém surfa maior ou melhor que TU", "Os Teus patrocinios provam que Tu és o top do bodyboard ou do surf em Portugal". O Ego é um bicho que necessita constantemente de excessivo alimento, o que torna os seus portadores em seres infelizes e famintos pela próxima capa de uma qualquer revista de ondas.
A Vaidade é o resultado da falta de humildade, é a vontade de aparecer, de ser falado e bajulado. Os vaidosos dizem que esta necessidade de aparecer e de ser visto se prende com a necessidade de dar retorno ao patrocinadores. Não há desculpa mais cínica e cretina que esta, pois também esta sede de patrocinios faz parte da vaidade em mostar que se é importante e devidamente reconhecido no meio dos desportos de ondas.
A Ganância é a vontade de converter a arte de Correr Vagas de Mar em lucro financeiro puro sem olhar a meios para tal. Esta doença manifesta-se normalmente pelo desejo de ganhar dinheiro com as Ondas e com esta arte usando todos os estratagemas possiveis e imaginários levando á transformação das mesmas em objectos de consumo através de sessões fotograficas a serem trocadas por euros, à destruição da identidade das Ondas Desconhecidas também a serem trocadas por euros, à organização de campeonatos que em 99.999% dos casos não trazem beneficio algum (que não seja ganancioso) ao local onde se realizam, a infestação das praias com escolas massificadas que não visam ensinar, mas antes fazer enriquecer os seus donos e instrutores através da usurpação do espaço público para fins privados.
Associados a estes 3 pecados mortais doentios podem ser encontrados os mais variados disturbios de personalidade que têm no Narcisismo o seu expoente máximo. Este narcisismo manifesta-se na auto-idolatração e admiração que pode ser encontrada em muitos blogs e sites pessoais, nos quais os seus autores falam e expõem públicamente as suas aventuras como se tivessem uma legião de fãs a observá-los. Quem se deixa dominar pelo lado Negro da Força deixa de ser um Corredor de Vagas (talvez nunca o tenha sido) para passar a ser um fantoche mascarado de objecto de consumo colorido para embriagar as massas.
Corredores de Vagas de Todo o Mundo Uni-vos!

É hora de cortar com a vassalagem ao actual modelo de desenvolvimento obscurantista de base unicamente comercial.
Liberta-te da escravidão voluntariosa a que os media e a indústria te induziram e transforma-te num Corredor de Vagas Livre!
Serve apenas ao Mar e às Ondas.
Encontra a essência de Surfar na comunhão com a Natureza e Liberta-te.
Não explores nem te deixes explorar.
Bem hajam todos os Corredores de Vagas Livres espalhados pelo mundo.
Alguém disse III...
O Caminho da Evolução: Os Sete Niveis

A verdadeira evolução é a da Consciência, pois esta é aquela que verdadeiramente dura e resiste ao efeito do tempo, que aos poucos desgasta o físico. A evolução tem vários niveis e pode ser entendida de várias perspectivas. Cada um de nós poderá tentar posicionar-se para um determinado patamar evolutivo de forma consciente ou apenas preencher um determinado nivel sem que disso se dê conta. A importância do despertar desta consciência simultaneamente faz-nos evoluir na arte de Correr Vagas de Mar e impede que cada um de nós se torne um alvo fácil que vai atrás dos modelos impostos pela sociedade hiper-consumista em que vivemos.
Ainda que um dito profissional possa ter um nível técnico aparentemente mais apurado, o seu nível de entendimento (aquilo a que os entendidos chamam consciência) é muito limitado uma vez que pouco ou nada entende sobre a extensão completa das suas acções durante o acto de correr uma vaga. Ainda que aparentemente domine a técnica está longe de entender todo o "quadro" em que se move. A sua consciência (com tudo o que isso implica) será igual á de um símio (sem ofensa para os referidos símios que provavelmente serão mais puros, felizes e conscientes que muitos humanos ditos inteligentes) quando comparada às possibilidades da consciência humana.
Deixo abaixo um interessante texto que durante muito tempo esteve na lista de links deste blogue e que agora deixou de estar activo. Dado a sua importância para o correcto entendimento da realidade e da referida evolução entendi por bem dar-lhe a visibilidade que merece. Penso que todos entendem inglês e que facilmente conseguirão reenquadrar o contexto de cada nivel em algo que conhecem (ou reconhecem) do seu dia a dia.
Retirado originalmente de: crowmountain.net/Surfing/sevenlevels.html
Soul Surfer - Level 7
This is the highest level, the pinnacle of surfing spirituality equivalent to Nirvana, Satori, Total Enlightenment, etc. and is rarely attained. The Soul Surfer expresses himself through his unity with the breaking wave. He borrows the wave's spirit for a short while and uses his body and equipment to translate the essence of the wave's spirit into Art. Other Surfers respond to this and immediately recognize the Soul Surfer whether they admit it or not.
The Soul Surfer is a complete master of his tools, body and board. The Soul Surfer may train his body and practice with his board when not creating his Art, however, when he becomes one with the wave, his body and board are extensions of his mind. No conscious thought is expended upon the surfing techniques he uses to express the spirit of the wave with casual virtuosity. To make a musical analogy, a guitarist may woodshed his scales, but when he's jamming he's not even thinking about fingerings. He's lost in the passion of the moment. Just like a Photographic Artist who may have several cameras and many lenses, the Soul Surfer could have a quiver of a dozen boards each with a different purpose. Likewise, other Soul Surfers may have only one board, or none at all.
Soul Surfers sometimes dress strangely and say things that make seem to make sense but you have no idea what they mean. Soul Surfers often rise from sleep very early to create their Art in private. Few people witness the Art of a true Soul Surfer since they do not think to promote themselves. Many do not even realize they have attained the highest level of surfing spirituality or appreciate their tremendous skill as they are beyond the need for any sort of evaluation. Those that do become conscious of their own expertise often regress to the lower level of Whore which sadly and paradoxically means you will almost never see the Art of a Soul Surfer unless you know one personally or are lucky enough to be at the right break at the right time.
Soul Surfers use any sort of surfing equipment: longboard, shortboard or no board at all. They use whatever tool their Art requires to express the spirit of the wave and are constantly evolving in their ongoing exploration of the wave-human unity. Soul Surfers are the human embodiment of Stoke.
Whore - Level 6
A Whore is a Soul Surfer who sold their soul by accepting money, drugs, sex, etc in compensation for their Art. The worst form is the Media Whore who sells his soul for fame and fortune by posing for sponsor photographs in advertisements run in surfing magazines. By lowering himself to this level his vision and ability to become one with the wave is compromised. Why? Because when one depends on selling one's soul to pay for one's food and pad, one does not screw with the program. This means one does not try new things due to the risk. If a Whore's work pays his bills after years of trying, it's unlikely any such Whore will be open to experimentation while he still needs the dough.
Media Whores with sponsors (meaning they are represented by a commercial entity such as a clothing manufacturer just as Pimps do in the sex trade) may lose their sponsor's support if they change their style. This means they will lose their money, cool pad and shallow girl/boyfriends unless another pimp/sponsor steps in to fill the void. Therefore, once a Whore has successfully sold their surfing soul, they rarely return to the higher plane. Their Art, while at a high level, is static and does not grow.
Whores seem to almost always use boards made by Channel Islands Surfboards or Rusty festooned with sponsor decals. Whores had Stoke but lost it with their soul.
Amateur - Level 5
The Amateur is also simply known as a Surfer. The discussion of the Amateur or Surfer must begin with a digression. Every person with a surfboard who paddles out into the break and rides a wave is NOT a Surfer. This is obvious to those who have attained this level of surfing spirituality. If this is not obvious to you, you are not a Surfer.
The Amateur does not earn the major portion of their income from surfing. This level has nothing to do with their skill level or the technical quality of their surfing. This person loves to surf for its own sake; the simple pleasure of riding the wave is enough. Good Amateurs of pure spirit and Stoke can sometimes transcend the other levels to the effortless and egoless mastery of the Soul Surfer. People who compete in the odd local contest or have a write up in a magazine are still Amateurs. They are usually just Amateurs who surf better than the other Amateurs surrounding them and have received warranted accolades for their technical proficiency.
Amateurs run one especially serious risk - Amateurs who think that having more or better surfboards will improve their surfing and help them attain a higher level are at risk of descending to the lowest level of surfing spirituality, the QuiverBaiter. Too many Amateurs have been misled by the large surfboard manufacturers into thinking that they need new and different boards to create surfing Art. The worst of these are the manufacturers who sell 'pro-models' or 'signature-series' boards that attempt to entice the Amateur into thinking the equipment of a Professional or Whore will help them attain similar levels. Being and Amateur is a good thing; from this l evel one can rise to the level of Soul Surfer.
Amateurs almost always use boards from small custom shapers that are local to their break. Amateurs have Stoke and use it frequently.
Weekender - Level 4
The Weekender is a slightly less evolved Surfer than the Amateur but still a Surfer whether they realize it or not. They will often deny their Surferness if openly asked. This is actually the most group into which most Surfers fall. A Weekender is the guy who goes to the beach to surf on weekends or his odd vacations days but may not put the highest priority on making time for surfing compared to other pursuits such as family, work or some other Art. The Weekender will take his kids to the break to teach them to appreciate the beauty of the ocean as well as watermanship, how to surf and especially how to not act like a kook.
Weekenders who are artists in other mediums and are also physically fit often create beautiful Art while riding a wave that impress all knowledgeable viewers. These special Weekenders are really Soul Surfers and they don't even realize it! They usually dress better and speak more lucidly than the Soul Surfers who only think they are Soul Surfers when they are really Whores. They are usually nicer too.
Weekenders use any old board, mat or sponge but many ride longboards. If they surf a board, it's usually an off the rack model like the McTavish Original that needs to have several dings repaired. Weekenders have Stoke but sometimes don't get to show it as often as they would like.
Professional - Level 3
A Professional is a Surfer who earns his living and receives his motivation from participating in surfing contests. The Professional is the lowest level that can still qualify for the designation of Surfer. Many Professionals are often part-time Media Whores.
Professionals do not express the spirit of the wave through a sense of unity and movement. Professionals use their extremely high level of technical expertise to perform a series of athletic exercises across the face of a wave to be evaluated by Judges (Judges are on a negative level below the seven presented here). These exercises are used for the evaluation of the Professional's proficiency as compared to the other Professionals. By definition, this desire to be compared to and rated above fellow Surfers is egoistic and the exact antithesis of the Soul Surfer.
Occasionally, some Professionals may attain the temporary state of Soul Surfer. After all, they are usually the Surfers with skill level needed to effortlessly interface with the wave. However, this state is always on their own time and never when anyone is watching lest they be Judged. It is especially not during the filming of a surfing video regardless of how much the filmmakers want you to believe in their soulfulness. This is another reason you rarely see Soul Surfers.
Professionals use boards made by factory shapers such as Stewart, Channel Islands, Rusty, etc. If they are well known Professionals, the board may actually have been touched by the person who's name is on the logo. Professionals rarely worry about their boards since they don't pay for them, break them constantly and have several more exactly like the one that broke. They do not have the time or motivation to become attached to a specific board and they do not need to know the details behind the shape as someone else does this for them. Professionals have Stoke every now and then, I guess.
Rich Amateur - Level 2
Rich Amateurs are not really Surfers although they think and say they are. These are Amateurs who by having too much money and too little Stoke buy lots of equipment that fetters their freedom of expression and prevents unity with the wave. They usually men, usually older and are often retired due to either age or wealth.
Rich Amateurs think standing and getting down the line 3 to a wave at Swami's, SanO or any other knee-high bit of watery mush is Art. They usually spend more time driving from break to break in late model SUV's with boards on top (fin to the rear) than they do surfing. 99% of the time, Rich Amateurs ride expensive brandname longboards, usually boards like the Robert August "What I Ride."
Some Rich Amateurs easily fall to the lowest level of QuiverBaiter because they are more concerned with their equipment than they are with the act of surfing. Others go straight on to create great Art and become Soul Surfers because they don't have any equipment worries or time constraints that conflict with their surfing evolution. Oddly, few Rich Amateurs are ordinary - they either evolve and rule or simply suck.
QuiverBaiter - Level 1
Lowest level, equivalent to "Hell" in Christian mythology or having just enough Karma to be reincarnated as a cockroach in Buddhism. These men (and they are always men) have no real interest in the spirit of the wave or the soul of surfing because they have no souls. Lacking souls, they cannot express the imagination and feeling required to become one with the wave and do not have the dedication needed to evolve any further. This is why if QuiverBaiters ever do bother to surf they are clueless kooks.
Most Quiverbaiters seem to come from technical avocations like engineering, computers or the research sciences. These people worry too much about having the latest or what they consider the 'best' equipment regardless of whether it is suitable for their location or ability. They are completely oblivious to the fact so obvious to Surfers of a higher level of surfing spirituality - the board does not make the Surfer, the combination of Soul and Stoke interacting harmoniously with the Wave is what makes the Surfer.
Because they buy one board after another looking for the one that will magically transform them into Surfers, they acquire huge quivers that never see salt water. This is why they are known as QuiverBaiters. These same men often play with audio equipment, computers or automobiles. Digital cameras seem to attract a disproportionate number of Quiverbaiters for some reason. They enjoy these tools for their own sake but rarely if ever actually use them for the intended purpose like listening to music, driving fast, taking photos of things other than test charts or even surfing. Rich Amateurs who become QuiverBaiters are the guys who collect and brag about expensive wine but never bother to catch a buzz.
QuiverBaiters will talk you ear off in the parking lot. They love to discuss the intricacies of the concave in the nose of their longboard or the fins they have in their Bonzer. However, if you ever ask them to paddle out with you on a good day, they will scurry away with an impromptu lame excuse like a sore shoulder or needing run some errand for the wife/girlfriend. Do not under any circumstances deal with these people, talk to them, read their websites or especially ask their advice on board selection! I cannot emphasize this point enough. To the innocent unevolved Amateur or Weekender, they may seem like a fount of knowledge, however their sick soulless carcasses would love to drag you into their own personal surfing Hell and have your spirit mired in worrying about the quality of your board compared to some other model, rotating fins or some other arcane silliness. If you start worrying about these things, you will begin to read surfing magazines, websites and Internet message boards instead of surfing and your soul too will flee your QuiverBaiting husk of a body.
These people are easy to identify. They always have a full quiver of brand new, never used boards in several lengths on top of their dedicated surf vehicle. The boards are almost always Surftechs of some other epoxy popout that is being pimped as better/lighter/stiffer or somesuch. If their board is not a SurfTech, it's a $1,000 custom longboard that is too valuable to actually be surfed. The best thing about QuiverBaiters is that they are easy to evade. You simply have to paddle out, free your Stoke and feel the spirit of the Wave.
Author's (Thomas Mitchell's) note: Yes, this is satire and few people fall completely into any one of these levels if any. However, I do see a kernel of Truth in some of what I have written. If you are offended or angered by any of the above, consider this my "mea culpa and fuggoff" in advance so there's no need to tell me about it.
Altar Mar: O blogue da Resistência "Soul" - 4º Aniversário

O Altar Mar é dedicado a todos os resistentes da vertente "soul" e a esta causa de forma geral. Se és um resistente continua um resistente até ao fim! Caso ainda não o sejas, não te deixes consumir e influenciar por ideais e interesses que em nada te beneficiam e que na realidade não são os teus. Mantém-te limpo da influência negativa e formatadora dos "mass media" da especialidade e dos seus escribas que apenas se dirigem a ti para te transformar num consumidor que sustente o seu modo de vida. Sê mais do que um mero consumidor amorfo que apenas defende os interesses da indústria (do bodyboard e do surf) e dos seus servos que na realidade não têm qualquer respeito por ti nem pelos teus interesses. Não vás nas cantigas viciadas daqueles que querem impor uma lógica mercantilista e transformar cada Onda numa "árvore das patacas" usando para isso todo o tipo de argumentos e lógicas retóricas, facilmente desmontáveis, mas que infelizmente ainda enganam alguém.
Torna-te um Corredor de Vagas Livre que apenas serve o Mar e que tem na causa "Soul" uma fonte de inspiração e um modo de vida!